Auditing Courses


Auditing Courses

Provided that there is room available in the specific course,  auditing may take place following these procedures:

  • Those students wishing to AUDIT a course in the Department of History must complete the appropriate form (available from the department office), obtain the course instructor’s signature, and return the form to the Department, prior to the first day of classes. Any questions you have about auditing should be addressed to the Undergraduate Administrator of the History Department.
  • The fee for a course in the Department of History during 2016-17 is $460.00 for a FULL course and $230.00 for a HALF course.  If you are an internal student, you do not have to pay fees unless you require a certificate of attendance.
  • Auditing a course entitles you to attend Lectures ONLY. You may not submit any written work, attend tutorials, write tests/exams, or have access to the course portal.