History on the Move — quite literally!

History on the Move — quite literally!

Dear Colleagues,

In the next 24 hours, the University of Toronto will issue a press release announcing construction of a new building on the St. George campus.  The building will be anchored by a museum and will include some research centres and 2 departments.  The History Department is one of these.

We will be gaining significant new space, and this will allow all members of the St. George History Department to come together in one place.  We will also be able to provide more space — and more appropriate space — for members of the TriCampus Graduate History Department.

The University will announce further details in the official announcement at www.utoronto.ca;  it should be posted by Tuesday morning.  I will also be able to share more information at the Tricampus History Department meeting scheduled for Wednesday 17 September at 3:00, and at the Welcome Back party afterwards.  Please RSVP to history.events@utoronto.ca by Friday 12 September, so that we can be sure to order enough food for the party.

We won’t be wishing Sid Smith good bye just yet, as the process of planning and construction will take a few years.  But this is very exciting news, particularly as our new location will open up many new possibilities for fruitful collaborations with other departments and centres both within and beyond the university.  We’ve been promised a role in the planning of the new space, and with additional fundraising on our part we will have the opportunity to  customize it as well.  Some interesting years ahead!

Memorandum from the President (pdf document)

Press Release (pdf document)

Originally Posted: September 10, 2014