Laurel MacDowell

Faculty Profile

MacDowell, Laurel, Ph.D. Toronto
Professor, UTM
(905) 828-5243
(416) 978-1941
Office: UTM NE272 & SS 2062

Field: Canadian and North American working class and environmental history

Professor MacDowell’s research interests are in the Canadian working class and Northern American environmental history. She teaches a graduate course in comparative North American environmental history, and is the author of `RememberKirklandLake‘: The Gold Miners’ Strike 1941-2 (1983) (2nd edition 2001), and Renegade Lawyer: The Life of J.L. Cohen (2001), winner of the Chalmers Award from the Champlain Society.  Her articles include, “Relief Camp Workers in Ontario During the Great Depression of the 1930s”, CHR (June 1995), “Greening the Workplace: Unions and the Environment” in L.A. Sandberg and S. Sibir eds. Sustainability: The Challenge (1998) and “Company Unionism in Canada 1919-48” in B. Kauffman and D. Taras eds., Non-Union Representation: History, Contemporary Practice and Policy (2001). She is currently working on an environmental history of Canada.