Faculty Profile
- Coleman, Kevin Ph.D. Indiana University
- Assistant Professor, UTM
- kevin.coleman@utoronto.ca
- (905) 569-4410
(416) 978-1941 - Office: UTM NE 151A & SS 2062
Research Interests: Modern Latin American History; Central America; U.S.-Latin American Relations; Visual Culture; Political Culture.
Similar issues animate his teaching. Coleman offers courses in modern Latin American history and advanced undergraduate seminars organized around a variety of themes, including the development of popular political cultures and nation-state formation, religion and the region’s encounter with the United States. His graduate offerings examine the role that photography and other visual technologies have played in shaping understandings of self, nation, and race in several national and transnational contexts.
Selected Articles
- “A Camera in the Garden of Eden.” Journal of Latin American Cultural Studies, 20:1 (2011): 61-94.
- “Entre la Historia y la Trascendencia: El Padre Guadalupe Carney y la lucha por la reforma agraria en Honduras,” (“Between History and Transcendence: Father Guadalupe Carney and the Struggle for Agrarian Reform in Honduras”). Asociación para el Fomento de los Estudios Históricos en Centroamérica, 44 (2010).
Public History
- “A Chance for Real Democracy in Honduras.” History News Network. July 2009.
- “A Coup is Not a Coup. A Not-Coup is a Coup.” History News Network. July 2009.
Selected Awards
- Andrew W. Mellon Foundation / American Council of Learned Societies Dissertation Completion Fellowship.
- Practical Idealist, The Shriver Peaceworker Program. University of Maryland.
- Fulbright-Hays Doctoral Dissertation Research Abroad Fellowship (DDRA).
- Samuel F. Bemis Research Grant, The Society for Historians of American Foreign Relations (SHAFR).